So if you follow me on my Girl Refurbished Instagram you know I go to thrift stores. In March, I went almost every week, if not several times a week to get some killer thrift store finds. I know, save your judgement. But, if your memory serves you, you also know I’ve gotten some amazing deals and awesome stuff too! I know, I know, this is a very late post. Life guys. Life.
Below are my March thrift store finds. I’m going to be honest here, after assembling this list I realized I got a little caught up in March! All of the thrift store finds below are from Goodwill. I haven’t even ventured out to the other thrift stores in the area yet.
Little tip. Goodwill stores have tag sales each week – at least at SoCal Goodwill they do. That means one color tag goes on sale every week and for that week if you find any item with the said color, it’s 50% off daily and just $1 on Thursdays! Just a flat $1 for the item, no matter what it is or what the price was. You could get a couch for $1 guys!
March Thrift Store Finds
Round 1:
Grey plant pot $1.99
60’s Porcelana Steatita teapot $2.99
Basket $2.99
Wooden tray $2.99
I had an actual goal when arriving at Goodwill this time, a pot for a plant. Lucky me, I found one at a great price. Then the 60’s teapot caught my eye immediately! I love 60’s decor items, so I physically ran over and grabbed it. Hard core. The teapot has a stamp on the bottom, Porcelana Steatita from Brasil. Baskets are super in right now and I wanted to try my hand at some. This guy seemed like a good starter basket. Lastly, the beautiful vintage tray. Not only do I love the shape and finish, but I found a typewriter label on the bottom of it, with a woman’s address who lived in Upland. I looked up the address and the house is still there. Pretty cool to have such history on a piece!
Round 2:
Coppercraft Guild Taunton copper candlestick holder $3.99 each
Coppercraft Guild Taunton copper bowl $4.99
Japanese bird plates $1.99 each
I know, these items are a little out of my wheel house but I thought my husband would like the Japanese plates and I’ve been digging copper lately. The copper candlestick holder has a sticker on it: Coppercraft Guild Taunton, Massachusetts. It’s always good to look at the markings, it’ll give you an idea of the quality and age of the item. I love googling my finds. While I was googling the copper candlestick holders I was able to see that my copper bowl are from the same company, it’s a Coppercraft copper planter! The sticker must have fallen off but thanks to buying them on the same day it lead me to discover what my bowl is. Lastly, the Japanese plate markings read: BS Made in Japan. Nothing exciting to note, I just like them!
Round 3:
Plant stand $1.99
Since I’m trying to up my plant game something about this stand said buy me. So I did.
Round 4:
Tennis rackets $2 each
Wooden bowl . 50 cents
Franciscan Earthenware bowl $2
70’s-esq pitcher $3.99
No, I’m not a tennis player. Though for a brief moment in high school I was on the team. I mean, brief. I purchased the different rackets: a Spalding Championship, Wimbledon and a Trid Hollander. The Spalding Championship tennis racket had the shrink wrap still on the handle and I’m guessing it’s from the 1970s. The white Wimbledon says ‘committed construction’ and ‘special selected frame’, that’s all I got. My Dad thinks the Wimbledon is the oldest of the bunch. The last racket is a Trid Hollander badminton racket.
The wooden bowl was fifty cents and is just plain cute. The yellow bowl markings says Franciscan Earthenware and a quick google lead me to see it’s the hacienda gold pattern. Looks like it’s a pretty popular pattern for the company. The 70’s – like pitcher has no markings, just a weird quirky thing I liked!
Round 5:
Lamp $1
WHAT A SCORE. Again, Thursdays are $1 days for a specific color tag at Goodwill. That means anything, say with a yellow tag, is only $1 – anything. I’d seen this lamp before in the store but decided not to pick it up because it was $16. A deal in itself, but hello, have you seen how much my finds are? That’s downright expensive for me. I was walking around on dollar day, with my Mom, when she actually called me over to show me the lamp. She liked it and noticed it was only one dollar. I told her I couldn’t believe it and that I’d had my eye on the lamp for a while!
Round 6
Flat weave $1.99
Guys, I’m going to be honest here I just thought this was a cool piece that could be used in different ways. It’s actually pretty large and works well with all my decor.

Round 7
Carved wooden candlesticks $1.99 each
1970’s Wall Art $1
So I went on a Thursday, again, looking for $1 deals. Before I found my $1 item, I spied these great wooden carved candlestick holders and had to grab them. What’s so great about these is they look cool without any candles in them. After I picked the candlesticks up, I wondered around and saw my 1970’s wall art. So for the second time this month, there is a piece I’ve had my eye on but passed it up because of the price. I walked over and thought, if this guy has the color tag that’s $1, I’ll pick it up. And low in behold it was!!!
Now listen, I know this is not everyone’s cup of tea. My sister thinks it’s hideous and I get it. To me, it’s a fun, colorful piece that just needs some love. I’m going to take the fabric off the frame and wash it in oxi clean to see if I can get out some of the stains. It doesn’t hurt to try because it was only $1! I’m really hoping it all works out because I absolutely love it. Plus this guy is LARGE and I do love a great statement piece.
That was a lot of shopping for my March thrift store finds. I love thrifting.
Need more? See what I purchased in February!