Refurbished furniture is about taking antique, vintage and even new pieces and upgrading them. Let’s look at the definition: to repair and make improvements to or to brighten or freshen up. Sounds about right to me!
My husband and I love to refurbish furniture together. It’s something we’ve been doing since we first got married and we have several projects to show for it. I’m not sure why I’m so obsessed with taking something old and restoring it. Let’s think out loud. I love antiques and vintage pieces. The history behind furniture, how old it is, where I purchased it – that’s cool to me. I also love the pride I feel once I’ve completed a project.
I’ll be showing you refurbished furniture and the steps we take to make them new again like: sanding, painting, staining, reupholstering, etc… I can’t wait to inspire you to do it as well – because you can!